3 award documents to Othmar Fischer Rgt.-Stab/panzer-Regiment 3
3 award documents to Othmar Fischer Rgt.-Stab/panzer-Regiment 3. The set consists out of Fischer his Ost medal, Kraftfahrbewährungsabzeichen silver and War merit cross with swords award document. All documents remain in good condition and were only vaulted horizontally once.
The document award dates show that Fischer was with the Panzer-Regiment 3 for a long time. He earned the Kraftfahrbeährungsabzeichen for the actions during operation Citadel(Kursk) and was later awarded the war merit cross with swords in sept 44, shortly after the unit was destroyed in the Flaise pocket.
Panzer-Regiment 3 was a well equipped Pz.Rgt with many Pz IV and Pz V(Panther) tanks.
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